ZT 7102 Chassis Management Module
Telco Alarm Sensors
Technical Product Specification 121
22.0 Telco Alarm Sensors
The faceplate of the CMM contains a µDB15 Telco alarm connector. See Section 2.6, “Face Plate”
on page 20 and Section 2.16, “Telco Alarm Signal” on page 34 for more information on the Telco
Alarm connector. By default, pins 1 through 4 are used by the CMM to clear major or minor
alarms. The current state of pins 1 and 3 inputs are mapped to a GPIO on the CMM and can
therefore be reconfigured as discrete sensor inputs.
22.1 Configuring the Telco Alarm Connector Pins
To configure the telco alarm sensors as discrete inputs or to clear events, the following CLI
command is used:
cmmset -l cmm -d TelcoInputs -v [sensors or clearEvents]
Where the value (-v) parameter is either:
sensors - Configures the telco alarm inputs as discrete input sensors. Or
clearEvents - Configures the telco alarm inputs to be used to clear telco alarms.
22.2 Obtaining the Configuration of the Telco Alarm Sensor
Connector Pins
To retrieve the configuration of the Telco Alarm Sensor pins, use the following CLI command:
cmmget -l cmm -d TelcoInputs
This command will return a value of:
“sensors” - If the telco alarm input pins are being used as discrete sensor inputs.
“clearEvents” - If the telco alarm input pins are being used to clear minor and major alarms.
22.3 Telco Alarm Connector Sensor Naming
The default name of the two telco alarm sensors is TAsensor1 and TAsensor2. These names are
used and reported by the various CMM interfaces for the Telco Alarm Sensors. The sensors can be
renamed using the following CLI command:
cmmset -l cmm -t TAsensorN -d sensorname -v [NewSensorName]
N - Is either “1” or “2” for TAsensor1 and TAsensor2, respectively.
NewSensorName - The new name that will be associated with the corresponding sensor.