ZT 7102 Chassis Management Module
Health Event Strings
72 Technical Product Specification
11.4.3 CMM Location
Table 31. BIST Event Strings (BIST) (Sheet 1 of 2)
Event String Event Code Event Severity
“Boot is Successful.” 112 OK
“Event-log area full.” 113 Critical
“RedBoot image corrupted.” 114 Major
“Backup RedBoot image corrupted.” 115 Critical
“FPGA image corrupted. Using backup image.” 116 Major
“Backup FPGA image corrupted.” 117 Critical
“OS image corrupted.” 118 Critical
“Base memory test failed.” 119 Critical
“Extended memory test failed.” 120 Critical
“FPGA1 firmware outdated.” 121 Minor
“FPGA2 firmware outdated.” 122 Minor
“FPGA 1+2 version mismatched.” 123 Minor
“RTC date is invalid.” 124 Major
“RTC time is invalid.” 125 Major
“RTC is not working.” 126 Critical
“One of the Ethernet interfaces is not working.” 127 Minor
“Both Ethernet interfaces are not working.” 128 Major
“CMM Boot.” 129 OK
“IPMB bus [0-29] busy/not ready.” 130 - 159 Major
“Software update successful.” 160 OK
“Update of RedBoot failed.” 161 Critical
“Update of FPGA failed.” 162 Critical
“Update of Bluecat OS failed.” 163 Critical
“Update of /etc failed.” 164 Critical
“Restore of /etc files failed.” 165 Critical
“Software update failed.” 166 Critical
“Standby CMM has completed FPGA re-programming.” 179 OK
“FPGA re-programmed 2 times and no further lockup detected.” 180 Minor
“FPGA re-programmed 3 times and no further lockup detected.” 181 Minor
“FPGA re-programming has failed.” 182 Critical
“FPGA re-programmed more than 3 times and lockup still detected.” 183 Critical
“Dynamic FLASH image corruption detected.” 184 Critical
“Static Redboot image is corrupt.” 185 Critical
“Static OS image is corrupt.” 186 Critical
“Static FPGA image is corrupt.” 187 Critical
“Primary FRU unreadable - using Secondary" 188 Minor