ZT 7102 Chassis Management Module
Command Line Interface (CLI) Syntax and Arguments
58 Technical Product Specification
8.4 Target Parameter: -t
The Target parameter is the sensor or variable that the cmmget or cmmset acts on. The Target
keywords are shown in the following table.
Note: If the target is not specified, then it is assumed that Dataitem is an attribute of Location.
8.5 Dataitem Parameter: -d
The Dataitem parameter is the Target or Location attribute that the user is getting or setting.
Dataitem must be given for every CLI command. The Dataitem keywords are shown in the
following table.
Table 22. Target (-t) Keywords
Keyword Description
Used to query the FRU or individual FRU fields for a specific location. For more
information on querying a component’s FRU and individual FRU fields, see Section 16.0,
“Obtaining FRU Information” on page 89.
SDR Sensors
The sensor name as defined in its Sensor Data Record (SDR) for that component. Sensor
names can be retrieved for an IPMI based location using the ListTargets Dataitem.
none Same as not entering a target.
Table 23. dataitem (-d) Keywords for All Locations (Sheet 1 of 2)
Data Item Description
Valid Set
Used to configure user defined actions when events occur.
This dataitem is used with a target (–t) parameter specified
sensor and a value (-v) parameter. When an event
happens for that particular sensor, then the script defined
in the –v parameter will be executed. The script to be
executed must be located in the /home/scripts directory on
the CMM and the /home/scripts path should be omitted
when specifying the script. See Section 18.0, “CMM
Scripting” on page 93 for more information.
Valid filename
of a script that
resides in
current The current value of a sensor. Get N/A
health Returns the health of the location and if any events exist. Get N/A
Returns the specific health events that are occurring on
the location if any exist.
Get N/A
Used to find the data items available on a location.
The output lists dataitems that the location supports.
Get N/A
Used to find what sensors or targets are available on the
location. This is the list of sensors defined by the SDR for
that particular location.
Get N/A
Used to find out if a particular location is occupied or
present in the chassis. This can be blades or intelligent fan
Get N/A
sel Returns a location's System Event Log. Get N/A