
6. Turn the cursor off.
7. The RAIM calculation will usually
take a few seconds before an
answer is reached. During this
time the AUX 3 page will be as
shown in figure 6-55.
8. Once the RAIM calculation is complete, the AUX 3 page will indicate
the results of the test graphically in a bar graph format. The center of
the graph represents the ETA. Each bar represents five minutes of
time. The RAIM calculation is good for ±15 minutes of ETA. Bars
above the line indicate RAIM is available and bars below the line indi-
cate when RAIM is not available.
An example is shown in figure 6-56.
There can be two AUX 3 pages if
necessary to display all the informa-
tion. RAIM is not available from 15
minutes before ETA until 5 minutes
before ETA. However, RAIM is pre-
dicted to be available from then until 15 minutes after the ETA. By
showing the times when RAIM will be available it is possible for you to
alter your ETA to ensure that there will not be any RAIM problems.
Even more rare will be the case when the KLN 94 cannot provide suffi-
cient integrity monitoring or if there is an actual satellite failure while the
aircraft is on the leg from the FAF to the MAP. In these cases the KLN 94
will FLAG the navigation solution and a missed approach will have to be
flown. The KLN 94 will provide the following message:
*Press PROC Button Now For NAV
This message is telling you to cancel the approach mode by pressing the
PROC button. This will change the unit to the approach-arm (or TERM)
mode and navigation information will usually be restored.
The KLN 94 allows access to navigation DPs (Departure Procedures) and
STARs (Standard Terminal Arrival Routes) by DP/STAR name. DP/STAR
procedures stored in the database can only be considered accurate as
long as the database is current. Even though the database contains DP
and STAR procedures, there is a lot of information that is not included in
the database. Therefore, the paper chart is still the primary source of infor-
mation. For example, many procedures require the aircraft to fly to a
certain altitude, along a heading until intercepting a course, and many
other procedures that the KLN 94 can not automatically accomplish. Many
KLN 94 Pilot’s Guide Chapter 6 Approaches and DP/STARs
Figure 6-55
Figure 6-56