
KLN 94 screen to verify that LEG sequencing is selected. If the
KLN 94 shares an HSI or CDI with other NAV sources, it is also good
to verify that the NAV/GPS switch is set to GPS.
As you approach MIFEV, the KLN 94 will provide waypoint alerting as
indicated by the flashing WPT annunciation on the right side of the
screen and the flashing waypoint
identifier on the left side of the
screen (figure 6-27). Turn antici-
pation will occur just prior to
reaching MIFEV; the DTK will
change to 266° and the WPT
annunciation will stop flashing
and be steadily annunciated. This is the time to begin the turn to inter-
cept the 266° course to the next waypoint in the approach, ZODPU.
Once you pass MIFEV the KLN 94 will automatically sequence to
ZODPU. If the course selected on the external CDI or HSI is not with-
in 10° of the 266° desired track, the DTK value on the KLN 94 will
flash and a message will be provided telling you to set the external
Nav indicator to the correct value.
5. As the aircraft approaches the ZODPU waypoint, the KLN 94 will
again provide waypoint alerting and turn anticipation. As the aircraft
passes ZODPU it will sequence to KEZNU. Select 176° on the exter-
nal Nav indicator.
6. As the aircraft approaches KEZNU, the final approach fix, it is a good
idea to check the status of the KLN 94 one more time. Make sure that
LEG mode is selected and that the NAV/GPS switch is set to GPS.
Remember, the KLN 94 will not transition to the approach active
mode if the OBS mode is selected.
7. By the time the aircraft is 2 NM
from KEZNU (figure 6-28), the
FAF, the KLN 94 will make a
prediction to see if integrity will
be available at the FAF and at
the MAP. If the prediction indi-
cates that integrity monitoring will be available, and RAIM is currently
available, the KLN 94 will annunciate APR ACTV (or APR). At this
time the KLN 94 will also start to change the CDI scale factor. By the
time the aircraft reaches the FAF the CDI scale factor will be down to
±0.3 NM full scale deflection.
8. Normal waypoint alerting will occur approaching KEZNU and the
KLN 94 will sequence to RW17 passing KEZNU.
9. The KLN 94 will again provide waypoint alerting as you approach
RW17, the missed approach point (MAP).
KLN 94 Pilot’s Guide Chapter 6 Approaches and DP/STARs
Figure 6-27
Figure 6-28