
To set the alarm:
1. Turn on the cursor (B). If necessary, change the system time zone
to the desired one on line 2 of the AUX 10 page.
2. To set the alarm to activate at a
certain time, move the cursor to
the at: field on line 3. Select the
desired hours, and then minutes
(figure 5-79). Notice that as you
change it, the interval from pre-
sent time to alarm time is
updated on line 4.
3. To set the alarm to activate in a
certain length of time, move the
cursor to the in: field on line 4
and select the desired hours and
minutes, up to 9 hours and 59
minutes (figure 5-80). Turn off the cursor.
4. When the alarm goes off, the KLN 94 will display the message page
*Timer expired
The AUX 11 page is used to determine the times of sunrise and sunset for
any waypoint in the published or user database.
To calculate sunrise/sunset times:
1. Select the AUX 11 page (figure
5-81). The first time the AUX 11
page is selected after the
KLN 94 is turned on, the way-
point identifier defaults to the
current destination, the date
defaults to the current date, and
the time zone defaults to the system time zone. Each of these three
items may, however, be changed. The sunrise and sunset are dis-
played at the bottom of the page.
NOTE: The time zone initially displayed is the system time zone. This is
the same as the one on the SET 2 page. Note that the time zone dis-
played may not be appropriate for the waypoint shown. For example, the
waypoint shown could be KLAX and the time zone may be Eastern
Standard Time (EST) Make sure you select the appropriate time zone for
the displayed waypoint.
KLN 94 Pilot’s Guide Chapter 5 Intermediate Operation
Figure 5-79
Figure 5-80
Figure 5-81