Long Term Storage Requirements
2) Cover the unit completely to exclude dirt, dust, moisture, and other foreign materials.
3) If the motor can be moved, it is suggested that the entire motor be encased in a strong, transparent plastic bag.
Before sealing this bag, a moisture indicator should be attached to the side of the motor and several bags of
silica-gel desiccant put inside the bag, around the motor. When the moisture indicator shows that the desiccant
has lost its effectiveness, as by a change in color, the bag should be opened and fresh replacement desiccants
Whenever the motor cannot be sealed, space heaters must be installed to keep the motor at least 10°F above
the ambient temperature.
NOTE: There is a potential for damage by small rodents and other animals that will inhabit motors
in search of warm surroundings or food. Due to this, a possibility of motor winding destruc-
tion exists. Sealing motor openings should restrict access to the motor.
4) Rotate motor and compressor shafts several revolutions (approximately 6) per month to eliminate fl at spots on
the bearing surfaces. If the compressor unit is installed, wired and charged with oil, open all oil line valves and run the
oil pump for 10 seconds prior to rotating the compressor shaft. Continue running the oil pump while the compressor
shaft is being turned to help lubricate the surfaces of the shaft seal.