Vilter screw compressor components are thor-
oughly inspected at the factory, assuring the
shipment of a mechanically perfect piece of equip-
ment. Damage can occur in shipment, however.
For this reason, the units should be thoroughly
inspected upon arrival. Any damage noted should
be reported immediately to the transportation
company. This way, an authorized agent can ex-
amine the unit, determine the extent of damage
and take necessary steps to rectify the claim with
no serious or costly delays. At the same time,
the local Vilter representative or the home offi ce
should be notifi ed of any claim made.
VSM 71 2,750 2,750
VSM 91 2,750 2,750
VSM 101 2,750 2,750
VSM 151 2,750 2,750
VSM 181 2,750 2,750
VSM 201 2,750 2,750
VSM 301 2,850 2,850
VSM 361 2,850 2,850
VSM 401 2,850 2,850
VSM 501 4,000 4,000
VSM 601 4,500 4,500
VSM 701 5,000 5,000
VSS 451 4,000 4,000
VSS 601 4,500 4,500
VSS 751 5,300 5,300
VSS 901 5,300 5,300
VSS 1051 6,600 6,600
VSS 1201 6,700 6,700
VSS 1301 6,750 6,750
VSS 1501 10,010 10,010
VSS 1801 10,010 10,010
VSS 1551 11,000 11,000
VSS 1851 11,000 11,000
VSS 2101 11,000 11,000
* Does not include motor.
Vilter single screw compressor units are basi-
cally vibration free machines, therefore, no
elaborate foundations are necessary. The fl oor
or foundation upon which the unit will be placed
should be designed to support the entire op-
erating weight of the unit. See Table 1 for unit
weights. See Foundation, page 12, for additional
foundation instructions.
The single screw compressor units are shipped
with all major components mounted on struc-
tural steel. Place the entire unit on the fl oor
on a concrete pad and securely bolt in place.
Review local codes and ASHRAE Safety Code for
Mechanical Refrigeration. Bolt holes are located
in the unit’s mounting feet. When locating the
unit, provide adequate space for service work.
When the compressor unit is in place on the con-
crete pad, check both lengthwise and crosswise
to assure it is level. Use shims and wedges as
needed under the mounting feet to adjust the
level of the unit.
On single screw units, the motor and compres-
sor have been roughly aligned at the factory.
The coupling center section was shipped loose
to allow a check of proper electrical phasing,
direction of rotation of the motor and final
coupling alignment. The dial indicator align-
ment method is recommended. Final alignment
should be within 0.004 inches total indicator
reading in all direction for the VSS models and
0.010 inches for the VSM models.
Refer to the ANSI/ASME B31.5 Code for Refrig-
eration Piping. All compressor oil supply and oil
return piping has been completed at the factory.
The necessary connections to be made to the
screw compressor unit will vary depending on
the type of oil cooling method purchased. Main
line refrigerant suction and discharge connec-
tions are always necessary.