Caution: there are wires attached to the con-
nector on the plastic cover. Handling the
cover too aggressively could break the wires.
7. Gently lift the cover and tilt it toward the Turck
connectors. Raise the cover enough to be able
to press the blue calibrate button and be able
to see the red LED on the top of assembly.
8. Press “Menu” on the main screen and then press
the “Slide Calibration” button, to enter the slide
calibration screen. (Note: you must be in this slide
calibration screen before attaching the yellow
power cable or gray position transmitter cable.)
9. Now connect the yellow power cable and the
gray position transmitter cable to the actuator.
10. Press INC and DEC to move the slide valve and check
for the correct rotation. See Table 1on page 48 for
Actuator/command shaft rotation specifi cations.
11. Note: If the increase and decrease buttons do
not correspond to increase or decrease shaft
rotation, swap the blue and brown wires of
the “yellow power cable”. This will reverse
the rotation of the actuator/command shaft.
12. Quickly press and release the blue push but-
ton on the actuator one time. This plac-
es the actuator in calibration mode. The
red LED will begin flashing rapidly.
13. Note: When the actuator is in calibration
mode, it outputs 0V when the actuator is running
and 5V when it is still. Thus, as stated earlier, the
actuator voltage will fl uctuate during calibra-
tion. After the actuator has been calibrated,
0V output will correspond to the minimum
position and 5V to the maximum position.
14. Note: The “Slide calibration” screen on the con-
trol panel has a “Current” window, which displays
twice the actuator output voltage. This value,
(the % volume and the % capacity) displayed in
the “Current Vol” and Current Cap” Windows are
meaningless until calibration has been completed.
15. Use the DEC button on the control panel to
drive the slide valve to its minimum “mechani-
cal stop” position. Do not continue to run the
actuator in this direction after the slide valve
has reached the stop. Doing so may cause dam-
age to the actuator or the slide valve. When
the slide has reached the mechanical stop posi-
tion, use the INC button to pulse the actuator
to where the slide is just off of the mechanical
stop and there is no tension on the motor shaft.
16. Quickly press and release the blue button on
the actuator again. The red LED will now fl ash
at a slower rate, indication that the minimum
slide valve position (0V position) has been set.
17. Use the INC button on the control panel to drive
the slide to its maximum “mechanical stop” posi-
tion. Do not continue to run the actuator in this
direction after the slide valve has reached the
stop. Doing so may cause damage to the actua-
tor or the slide valve. When the slide valve has
reached the mechanical stop position, use the
DEC button to pulse the actuator to where the
slide is just off of its mechanical stop and there
is no tension on the motor shaft.
18. Quickly press and release the blue button on the
actuator one more time. The red LED will stop
fl ashing. The actuator is now calibrated and knows
the minimum and maximum positions of the slide
valve it controls. Now the capacity or volume
channel of the control panel can be calibrated.
19. Use the Dec button to move the actuator towards
its minimum position while watching the milli-
volt readout on the control panel screen. Discon-
tinue pressing the DEC button when the millivolt
reading in the “Current” window above the “Set
Min” button is approximately 500 millivolts.
20. Now use the DEC and INC buttons to position the
slide valve until a value close to 300 millivolts is on
the screen. Then, press the “Set Min” button for
the capacity or volume slide valve window to tell
the controller that this is the minimum millivolt
position. Note: The value in the “Current Cap” or
“Current Vol” window has no meaning right now.
Slide Valve Actuator Installation & Calibration