Rigging and Lifting
Thank you for purchasing a gas compressor (the “Compressor”) from Vilter Manufacturing LLC (“Vilter”). Rigging
and Lifting a large piece of equipment like the Compressor is extremely dangerous.
This rigging and lifting manual (this “Manual”) is provided to you as a courtesy by Vilter and is not intended to be a
comprehensive guide to rigging and lifting the Compressor. Vilter shall not be liable for errors contained herein or
for incidental or consequential damages (including any injury to persons performing the rigging or lifting) in con-
nection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this Manual. This Manual is only a set of suggestions and you
may not rely solely on the information contained in this Manual to conduct the lift. In addition, information in this
Manual is subject to change without notice.
Limited Warranty
The information is this Manual does not constitute any warranty as to the Compressor. The warranty provision
contained in the terms and conditions pursuant to which the Compressor was sold serves as the sole and exclusive
To correctly and safely operate the Compressor, you must consult all of the documentation that was provided to
you with the purchase of the Compressor (including all information sheets, warning notices and any other docu-
ments). This Manual is not intended to summarize or supplant any directions regarding how to safely operate or
move the Compressor.
In order to minimize the inherent risk involved in rigging and lifting a large piece of equipment, before attempting
to lift the Compressor, the actions of all parties involved in the lift must be carefully planned.
The following is provided merely to encourage purchasers to think about all of the steps necessary to rig and lift
the Compressor. Vilter can neither anticipate all of the dangers involved in a particular lift, nor evaluate the par-
ticular capabilities of each of person who will participate in the lift.
Educate and Select Lift Participants
To rig and lift the Compressor in a safe manner, you will need to select experienced, trained people (“Participants”)
to take on (and successfully perform) at a minimum the tasks associated with each of the following positions:
• Crane Operator;
• Crane Owner;
• Lift Coordinator;
• Lift Engineer;
• Rigging Specialist;
• Riggers; and
• Safety Signaler.