PMC-CGM Installation and Use (6806800D53C)
MIB Description cgmClkDist
5.4 cgmClkDist
The cgmClkDist branch contains the following information which is used for controlling clock
distribution and measurement:
z cgmDmClkTable - not supported for the PMC-CGM.
z cgmFrqMonTable - not supported for the PMC-CGM.
z Various MIB objects that are described in Table 5-5 on page 53.
For details on how to use these MIB objects refer to Configure the Reference Clock on page
.1.3.33 cgmBootString The boot configuration data consists of a list of
parameter=value pairs separated by spaces. The
following parameters/values are defined:
(e|ethaddr)=<ip-address>[:netmask] Defines the
module’s IP address/netmask. This is overwritten by
dynamic configuration options (see below). Default
netmask is ffffff00.
(h|host|trapDest)=<ip-address> Defines the default
address for the cgmTrapDestination element.
(g|gatewayip)=<ip-address> Defines the default
gateway address.
(m|mode)=<flag>[,<flag>[,...]] Defines various
configuration flags. <flag> may be one of
-ipmi: Obtain IP/gateway address via IPMI (from shelf
-dhcp: Configure network interfaces via DHCP.
-static: Use static network setup as defined here.
When obtaining network address via IPMI or DHCP,
and the host address (h=statement) is on the same
subnet as the statically configured IP address
(e=statement), the network part of the host address is
adjusted according to the dynamically obtained IP
Setting this element has no immediate effect,
modifications are applied at the next reboot.
Table 5-8 cgmSys Objects (continued)
OID MIB Object Description Access