PMC-CGM Installation and Use (6806800D53C)
Access and Configuration Configure Parameters for Event Handling
4. Set object to restart (1).
4.4.10 Configure Parameters for Event Handling
You can use the following elements as parameters to define how events are handled in your
z cgmSysEventLogSize
z cgmSysEventLogCount
z cgmSysEventLogClear
z cgmSysEventLogLevel
z cgmSysEventTrapLevel
You can find a detailed description of these elements in Table "cgmSys Objects" on page 58.
Configuring event handling parameters
To configure the event handling, proceed as follows:
1. Start SNMP manager or MIB browser.
2. Connect to the PMC-CGM using one of its IP addresses.
3. Go to cgmSysEventLogSize object OID:.
It contains the maximum number of events the event log can hold.
4. Go to cgmSysEventLogCount object OID:.
It contains the current number of events present in the event log.
5. Go to cgmSysEventLogClear object OID:.
You can use this element to clear the event log.
When set to 0, events which have not been accessed will be cleared (an event is
marked as "accessed" if its timestamp cgmEventTime is read).
If set to 1, all events are cleared regardless whether they have been accessed or
not. This is not recommended since it may cause events to get lost while the log is
about to be cleared.
6. Go to cgmSysEventLogLevel object OID:.
Specifies up to which severity events shall be placed into the event log:
0 - No events are logged
1 - Only critical events are logged
While resetting the PMC-CGM, the clocks driven by the module are in an undefined