cgmControl MIB Description
PMC-CGM Installation and Use (6806800D53C)
The cgmBitsTable (OID: . uses bitsInterfaceNumber as index.
Table 5-4 cgmBitsTable
OID MIB Object Description Access
. bitsInterfaceNumber 0 for BITS interface 1
1 for BITS interface 2
. bitsEnable Enables (0) or disables (1) a BITS interface.
Enabling the interface also applies various default
parameters, depending on the operation mode
defined in <cgmInterfaceMode>:
E1/SDH Mode:
- <dsx1LineType> is <dsx1E1>
- <dsx1LineCode> is <dsx1HDB3>
-< bitsLiuE1Lbo> is <o120>
T1/Sonet Mode:
- <dsx1LineType> is <dsx1D4>
- <dsx1LineCode> is <dsx1B8ZS>
- <bitsLiuT1Lbo> is <ft0to133>
Default value is enabled (0).
. bitsTxEnable Enables/disables the line interface transmitter.
Default value is enabled (1).
. dsx1LineType Line type configuration. The allowed settings
depend on the module’s interface mode:
Applicable for E1:
- dsx1E1 (value 4, default)
- dsx1E1CRCMF (value 7)
- dsx1E1G703 (value 12)
- dsx1E1UnframedAll1 (value 9) (Setting this line
type is equivalent to Transmit AIS in E1 mode.)
- dsx1E1UnframedAlt (value 11, 0101… pattern)
Applicable for T1:
- dsx1D4 (value 3, default)
- dsx1ESF (value 2)
- dsx1UnframedAll1 (value 8)
- dsx1UnframedAlt (value 10, 0101.. pattern)
. dsx1LineCode E1/T1 Line code.
Applicable for E1:
- dsx1HDB3 (default)
- dsx1AMI
Applicable for T1:
- dsx1B8ZS (default)
- dsx1AMI