PMC-CGM Installation and Use (6806800D53C)
MIB Description cgmSys
The following table lists all event codes and their severity. Events which cause the module to
give up mastership are marked with an asterisk in the "severity" column.
. cgmEventCode A pre-defined event code - for details refer to Table 5-7 on
page 56.
. cgmEventData Event specific data r
. cgmEventDescr Textual event description r
Table 5-7 Event Codes and Severity
Code Severity Description
inputChanged (1) Event The selected PLL input has changed.
lostLock (2) Event The T0 PLL lost lock and enters holdover mode.
gainedLock (3) Event The PLL gained lock.
nowMaster (4) Event The module has acquired mastership.
nowSlave (5) Event The module has entered slave mode.
validInputsChanged (6) Event The validity or more of the PLL inputs has changed .
selectedInputFailed (7) Event The selected clock input has failed.
dpllInitError (10) Warning Error while initializing the DPLL.
freqValidationError( 11) Warning One of the clock sources measured in the FPGA is out
of range.
inputStateChange (12) Event Reported when a state change is detected by the
activity monitor.
EventData: Upper 16 bits encode the new state, lower
16 bits encode the input number.
State can be
0 (working)
1 (failing)
2 (failed)
3 (recovering)
4 (unknown)
This is the same information as presented in the
cgmInputActivityMonitor element.
lineCardClkError (20) Warning Not applicable for PMC-CGM.
lineCardClkSelected (21) Event Not applicable for PMC-CGM.
bitsRlof/c (30/34) Event "Loss of frame" / "Loss of frame cleared" event
detected on a BITS interface.
EventData: The BITS interface on which the event has
been detected (0 or 1).
Table 5-6 cgmEventTable (continued)
OID MIB Object Description Access