64 Installation and start-up procedures
UM5C06B / C ( 169-2071-500 ) P0711722 Standard 10.00 May 2001
Parallel verification
Note 1 :
The following does not apply to rectifier shelf
applications with the hot stand-by option. For delayed
start shelf applications, wait after the delay expires before
performing the next step.
Note 2 :
All the rectifiers in the shelf or system must have been
individually adjusted as indicated in the Power up, HVSD
adjustment, FLT adjustment and Equalize adjustment
procedures before proceeding with the following steps.
When adding or replacing a rectifier verify that the rectifier
DC and AC circuit breakers are in the OFF position.
Reconnect the sense leads (if disconnected before the rectifier power-up) for
all the shelf rectifiers
• by connecting the quick tab of TB-1 on the shelf
• re-installing the sense fuse (system application)
• setting the dip switches to the ON position (system application)