25A Switch Mode RectifierNT5C06B / C Installation and User Manual
The MPR15 / MPR25 rectifiers are designed to operate continuously in
a battery-equipped or batteryless –48 V power system, either embedded
as part of a small system, or as part of a power plant in a system
Several models are available for operation in a controlled environment.
An extended temperature version is capable of withstanding
temperatures ranging from -40°C to +65°C while standard models
operate from 0° to +65°C ambient. The MPR15EX model operates in
an ambient temperature range of −40°C to +50° C, and the standard
MPR15E operates in a range of 0°C to +50°C.
The MPR25E and MPR25EX are suitable for various embedded and
system applications. These models offer features that facilitate
installation, operation and maintenance.
The MPR15EX is intended for low power applications, when only 110 /
120 V AC power is available.
The rectifier will operate with existing Astec rectifiers and other compatible
manufacturers' products. It is compatible with Astec conventional and
microprocessor-based controllers designed to interface with the basic
standard signals.