Appendix B: NT5C10CO shelf 111
25A Switch Mode RectifierNT5C06B / C Installation and User Manual
The above settings will provide a delay of approximately 24 hours, which is
sufficient to charge the batteries with a reserve of 80 to 120AH and at the
same time supply power to a 10 A load. When the load is 6 A, or less on a
battery reserve of less than 80AH, open SW1-4 and close SW1-3 for a delay
of 12 hours.
The following are recommended steps for analyzing possible malfunctions of
a system equipped with an NT5C10CO power shelf. This is in addition to
the information contained in the “Troubleshooting” section of User Manual
(UM) 167-9021-107.
Table 13 - Systems equipped with NT5C10CO power shelf fault diagnosis
Fault symptom Possible causes
Delayed Start did not
activate (delayed start
LED is not lit):
• No ACV at the power shelf input terminals.
• Main rectifier has been removed or generates an RFA.
• Faulty circuit pack.
Incorrect time delay: • Verify that the SW1 switch is properly set.
• Faulty circuit pack.