Installation and start-up procedures 47
25A Switch Mode RectifierNT5C06B / C Installation and User Manual
23-inch system shelf (NT5C10CO)
Capacity: - 1 x MPR15 + 1 x MPR15 “Delay Start”
AC common cable - 2/12 AWG armored cable. Refer to Figure 13
DC cables - 6 AWG (BAT and BAT RTN). Refer to Figure 18
(side) and to Figure 19 (rear)
Signals: - 2 cables (for remote sensing and alarm)
Note :
See Appendix B for additional information.
Figure 13 - System shelf or embedded (left view) common bussed AC - side access
Procedure 2 - Common bussed AC connection - side access
Step Action
1 Punch out 1.125-inch dia. knockout on left side of shelf.
2 Mount conduit connector with lock nut.
3 Run and connect wires as illustrated.
4 Re-install the blank panel to prevent access to the connections inside.