For some faults only: If Last Measured Value Timeout is set to a non-zero value, the transmitter will not
implement the fault action until the timeout has elapsed.
Set mA Output Fault Action to the desired value.
The default setting is Downscale.
2. If you set mA Output Fault Action to Upscale or Downscale, set mA Output Fault Level as
Options for mA Output Fault Action and mA Output Fault
Options for mA Output Fault Action and mA Output Fault LevelTable 6-4:
Option mA output behavior
mA Output Fault Level
Goes to the configured fault level Default: 22.0 mA
Range: 21 to 24 mA
Downscale (default) Goes to the configured fault level
Default: 2.0 mA
Range: 1.0 to 3.6 mA
Internal Zero
Goes to the mA output level associated
with a process variable value of 0 (zero),
as determined by Lower Range Value and
Upper Range Value settings
Not applicable
Tracks data for the assigned process vari-
able; no fault action
Not applicable
If you set mA Output Fault Action or Frequency Output Fault Action to None, be sure to set Digital
Communications Fault Action to None. If you do not, the output will not report actual process data,
and this may result in measurement errors or unintended consequences for your process.
If you set Digital Communications Fault Action to NAN, you cannot set mA Output Fault Action or Frequency
Output Fault Action to None. If you try to do this, the transmitter will not accept the configuration.
6.3 Configure the frequency output
The frequency output is used to report a process variable. The frequency output
parameters control how the process variable is reported. Your transmitter has one
frequency output: Channel C.
Integrate the meter with the control system
78 Micro Motion
Model 1500 Transmitters with Analog Outputs