10.1 Status LED states
The status LED on the transmitter indicates whether or not alarms are active. If alarms are
active, view the alarm list to identify the alarms, then take appropriate action to correct
the alarm condition.
Status LED statesTable 10-1:
LED behavior Alarm condition Description
Solid green No alarm Normal operation
Flashing yellow No alarm Zero calibration procedure is in progress
Solid yellow Low-severity alarm Alarm condition that will not cause measure-
ment error (outputs continue to report proc-
ess data)
Solid red High-severity alarm Alarm condition that will cause measurement
error (outputs in fault)
10.2 Status alarms
Status alarms and recommended actionsTable 10-2:
Alarm code Description Recommended actions
A001 EEPROM Error (Core Processor) The transmitter has detected a problem communicating with
the sensor. You can try cycling power to the meter to see if the
condition clears. If not, the core processor must be replaced.
A002 RAM Error (Core Processor) The transmitter has detected a problem communicating with
the sensor. You can try cycling power to the meter to see if the
condition clears. If not, the core processor must be replaced.
144 Micro Motion
Model 1500 Transmitters with Analog Outputs