DescriptionProLink II ProLink III
Field Communi-
Dynamic vars & PV
Process Variables/
Process variables/
The transmitter sends PV, SV, TV,
and QV values in measurement
units and the PV’s actual milliamp
reading in each burst (e.g.,
50 g/sec, 23 °C, 50 g/sec,
0.0023 g/cm3, 11.8 mA).
Transmitter vars Transmitter varia-
Fld dev var
The transmitter sends four user-
specified process variables in each
3. Ensure that the burst output variables are set appropriately.
• If you set Burst Mode Output to send four user-specified variables, set the four
process variables to be sent in each burst.
• If you set Burst Mode Output to any other option, ensure that the HART variables
are set as desired.
Configure HART variables (PV, SV, TV, QV)
ProLink II ProLink > Configuration > Variable Mapping
ProLink III Device Tools > Configuration > Communications > Communications (HART)
Field Communicator Configure > Manual Setup > Inputs/Outputs > Variable Mapping
The HART variables are a set of four variables predefined for HART use. The HART variables
include the Primary Variable (PV), Secondary Variable (SV), Tertiary Variable (TV), and
Quaternary Variable (QV). You can assign specific process variables to the HART variables,
and then use standard HART methods to read or broadcast the assigned process data.
The TV is automatically set to match the PV and cannot be configured independently.
Options for HART variables
Options for HART variablesTable 6-12:
Process variable Primary Varia-
ble (PV)
Variable (SV)
Third Variable
Fourth Varia-
ble (QV )
Mass flow rate ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Line (Gross) Volume flow rate ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Integrate the meter with the control system
Configuration and Use Manual 95