View the test results and take any appropriate actions.
Run a Smart Meter Verification test using ProLink III
1. Choose Device Tools > Diagnostics > Meter Verification > Run Test.
You may need to wait a few seconds while ProLink II synchronizes its database with
the transmitter data.
2. Enter any desired information on the Test Definition screen, and click Next.
All information on this screen is optional.
3. Choose the desired output behavior.
Option Description
Continue Measur-
During the test, all outputs will continue to report their assigned process
variable. The test will run for approximately 90 seconds.
Held at Last Value
During the test, all outputs will report the last measured value of their as-
signed process variable. The test will run for approximately 140 seconds.
Held at Fault
During the test, all outputs will go to their configured fault action. The
test will run for approximately 140 seconds.
4. Press Start.
Test progress is displayed on the screen.
View the test results and take any appropriate actions.
Run a Smart Meter Verification test using the
Field Communicator
Navigate to the Smart Meter Verification menu:
• Overview > Shortcuts > Meter Verification
• Service Tools > Maintenance > Routine Maintenance > Meter Verification
2. Choose Manual Verification.
3. Choose Start.
4. Set output behavior as desired, and press OK if prompted.
Option Description
Continue Measuring
During the test, all outputs will continue to report their assigned proc-
ess variable. The test will run for approximately 90 seconds.
Measurement support
118 Micro Motion
Model 1500 Transmitters with Analog Outputs