DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Managed Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Guide
DES-3200-28/ME:admin#show traffic control 1-10
Command: show traffic control 1-10
Traffic Control Trap : [Both]
Traffic Control Log : Enabled
Traffic Control Auto Recover Time: 0 Minutes
Port Thres Broadcast Multicast Unicast Action Count Time Shutdown
hold Storm Storm Storm down Interval Forever
---- ------ --------- --------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
1 1 Enabled Disabled Disabled shutdown 5 10
2 1 Enabled Disabled Disabled shutdown 5 10
3 1 Enabled Disabled Disabled shutdown 5 10
4 1 Enabled Disabled Disabled shutdown 5 10
5 1 Enabled Disabled Disabled shutdown 5 10
6 1 Enabled Disabled Disabled shutdown 5 10
7 1 Enabled Disabled Disabled shutdown 5 10
8 1 Enabled Disabled Disabled shutdown 5 10
9 1 Enabled Disabled Disabled shutdown 5 10
10 1 Enabled Disabled Disabled shutdown 5 10
72-4 config traffic control log state
This command is used to configure the traffic control log state. When the log state is enabled,
traffic control states are logged when a storm occurs and when a storm is cleared. If the log state
is disabled, traffic control events are not logged.
Note: The log state is only applicable for shutdown mode. Since shutdown mode only support
broadcast and multicast storm control, doesn’t support unicast storm control. The log only
generate for broadcast and multicast storm control.
config traffic control log state [enable | disable]
enable - Both occurred and cleared are logged.
disable - Neither occurred nor cleared is logged.
Only Administrator, Operator and Power-User level users can issue this command.
To configure the traffic log state on the Switch: