DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Managed Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Guide
Chapter 10
Basic Commands Command
create account [admin | operator | power_user | user] <username 15> {encrypt [plain_text |
sha_1] <password>}
config account <username> {encrypt [plain_text | sha_1] <password>}
show account
delete account <username>
show switch
enable telnet {<tcp_port_number 1-65535>}
disable telnet
enable web {<tcp_port_number 1-65535>}
disable web
reboot {force_agree}
reset {[config | system]} {force_agree}
config firmware image <path_filename64>boot_up
create ipif <ipif_name 12> <network_address> <vlan_name 32> {state [enable|disable]}
config ipif <ipif_name 12> [{ipaddress <network_address> | vlan <vlan_name 32> | state [enable |
disable]} | bootp | dhcp | ipv6 [ipv6address <ipv6networkaddr> | state [enable| disable]] |ipv4
state [enable | disable] | dhcp_option12 [hostname <hostname63> | clear_hostname | state
[enable | disable]]]
delete ipif [<ipif_name 12> {ipv6address <ipv6networkaddr>} | all]
enable ipif [<ipif_name 12> | all]
disable ipif [<ipif_name 12> | all]
show ipif {<ipif_name 12>}
enable ipif_ipv6_link_local_auto [<ipif_name 12> | all]
disable ipif_ipv6_link_local_auto [<ipif_name 12> | all]
show ipif_ipv6_link_local_auto {<ipif_name 12>}
10-1 create account
This command is used to create user accounts. The username is between 1 and 15 characters,
the password is between 0 and 15 characters. It is case sensitive. The number of account (include
admin and user) is up to 8.
create account [admin | operator | power_user | user] <username 15> {encrypt [plain_text |
sha_1] <password>}
admin - Specify the name of the admin account.
operator - Specify the name for a operator user account.
power_user – Specify the name for a Power-user account.
user - Specify the name of the user account.
<username 15> - Enter the username used here. This name can be up to 15 characters long.
encrypt - (Optional) Specify the encryption applied to the account.
plain_text - Select to specify the password in plain text form.