DES-3200 Series Layer 2 Managed Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Guide
Chapter 72
Traffic Control Command
config traffic control [<portlist> | all] {broadcast [enable | disable] | multicast [enable | disable]
|unicast [enable | disable] | action [drop | shutdown] | threshold <value 0-255000> |
countdown [<min 0> | <min 3-30> | disable] | time_interval <sec 5-600>}
config traffic trap [none | storm_occurred | storm_cleared | both]
show traffic control {<portlist>}
config traffic control log state [enable | disable]
config traffic control auto_recover_time [<min 0> | <min 1-65535>]
72-1 config traffic control
This command is used to configure broadcast/ multicast/ unicast packet storm control. Shutdown
mode is provided to monitor the traffic rate in addition to the storm control drop mode. If traffic rate
is too high, this port will be shut down.
config traffic control [<portlist> | all] {broadcast [enable | disable] | multicast [enable |
disable] | unicast [enable | disable] | action [drop | shutdown] | threshold <value 0-255000> |
countdown [<min 0> | <min 3-30> | disable] | time_interval <sec 5-600>}
<portlist> - Used to specify a range of ports to be configured.
all - Specify that all the ports will be used for this configuration.
broadcast - (Optional) Enable or disable broadcast storm control.
enable - Specify that broadcast storm control will be enabled.
disable - Specify that broadcast storm control will be disabled.
multicast - (Optional) Enable or disable multicast storm control.
enable - Specify that multicast storm control will be enabled.
disable - Specify that multicast storm control will be disabled.
unicast - (Optional) Enable or disable unknown packet storm control. ( Supported for drop mode
enable - Specify that unicast storm control will be enabled.
disable - Specify that unicast storm control will be disabled.
action - (Optional) One of the two options for action is specified for storm control, shutdown or
drop mode. Shutdown mode is a function of software, drop mode is implemented by the chip.
If shutdown mode is specified, it is necessary to configure values for the countdown and
time_interval parameters.
drop - Specify that the action applied will be drop mode.
shutdown - Specify that the action applied will be shutdown mode.
threshold - (Optional) The upper threshold, at which point the specified storm control is
triggered. The <value> is the number of broadcast/multicast packets per second received by
the Switch that will trigger the storm traffic control measure. The threshold is expressed as
PPS (packets per second) and must be an unsigned integer.
<value 0-255000> - Enter the upper threshold value here. This value must be between 0 and