Command Syntax Description
check object {statement‑data} Starts a synchronous operation to report on errors
in the object.
clear object {statement
data} Discards the contents of some attribute of an
object. This is a destructive operation that cannot
be reversed.
create object {statement
data} Creates an object of the specified type.
deactivate object {statement
data} Removes the environment for an operation.
delete object Deletes a previously created object.
diagnose object {statement
data} Runs a test and displays the results.
disable object {statement
data} Prevents a feature from operating.
download object {statement
data} Transfers data to the storage array or hardware
associated with the storage array.
enable object {statement
data} Allows a feature to operate.
recopy object {statement
data} Restarts a virtual disk copy operation by using an
existing virtual disk copy pair. You can change
attributes before the operation is restarted.
recover object {statement
data} Re-creates an object from saved configuration
data and the statement attributes (similar to the
create command).
recreate object {statement
data} Restarts a snapshot operation using an existing
snapshot virtual disk. You can change attributes
before the operation is restarted.
remove object {statement
data} Removes a relationship from between objects.
repair object {statement
data} Repairs errors found by the check command.
reset object {statement
data} Returns the hardware or object to an initial state.
resume object Starts a suspended operation. The operation
begins where it left off when suspended.
revive object Forces the object from the Failed to the Optimal
state. Use only as part of an error recovery
save object {statement
data} Writes information about the object to a file.
set object {statement
data} Changes object attributes. All changes are
completed when the command returns.
show object {statement
data} Displays information about the object.
start object {statement
data} Starts an asynchronous operation. You can stop
some operations after they have started. You can
query the progress of some operations.