Create RAID Virtual Disk (Free Extent Base Select)
This command creates a virtual disk in the free space of a disk group.
create virtualDisk diskGroup="diskGroupName" userLabel="virtualDiskName"
[freeCapacityArea=freeCapacityIndexNumber] [capacity=virtualDiskCapacity]
[owner=(0 | 1)] [cacheReadPrefetch=(TRUE | FALSE)]
[segmentSize=segmentSizeValue] [usageHint=(fileSystem | dataBase | multiMedia)]
[dssPreAllocate=(TRUE | FALSE)] [securityType=(none | capable | enabled)]
[dataAssurance=(none | enabled)]
Parameter Description
Sequence number of the disk group in which to
create the new virtual disk. (To determine the
sequence numbers of the disk groups in your
storage array, enter the show storageArray
Profile command.)
Name for the new virtual disk. You must put
quotation marks (" ") around the new virtual disk
NOTE: You can use any combination of
alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and
underscores for the names. Spaces are not
allowed. Command names can have a
maximum of 30 characters. If you exceed the
maximum character limit, replace square
brackets ([ ]) with angle brackets (< >) to
overcome this limitation.
Index number of the free space in an existing disk
group to use to create the new virtual disk. Free
capacity is defined as the free capacity between
existing virtual disks in a disk group. For example, a
disk group might have the following areas: virtual
disk 1, free capacity, virtual disk 2, free capacity,
virtual disk 3, free capacity. To use the free
capacity following virtual disk 2, specify:
Use the show diskGroup command to determine
if the free capacity area exists.