Parameter Description
The name of the specific member virtual disk (in a
remote replication group) from which you want to
clear the remote replication fault. Enclose the
member virtual disk name in square brackets ([ ]). If
the virtual disk name has special characters, you
also must enclose the virtual disk name in double
quotation marks (" ") inside square brackets. If the
virtual disk name consists only of numbers, such as
"1002," you also must enclose the virtual disk name
in double quotation marks (" ") inside square
The names of several member virtual disks (in a
remote replication group) from which you want to
clear the remote replication fault. Enter the names
of the member virtual disks using these rules:
• Enclose all of the names in square brackets ([ ]).
• Enclose each of the names in double quotation
marks (" ").
• Separate each of the names with a space.
Clear Storage Array Configuration
Use this command to:
• Clear the entire storage array configuration, and return it back to the initial installation state.
• Clear the configuration except for security information and identification information.
• Clear disk group configuration information and virtual disk configuration information only.
CAUTION: As soon as you run this command, the existing storage array is deleted.
clear storageArray configuration (all | diskGroups)
If you do not enter a parameter, this command removes all configuration information for the storage
array, except for the information related to security and identification.
Parameter Description
The setting to remove the entire configuration of
the storage array, including security and identity
information. Removing all configuration