NOTE: The physicalDisk parameter supports both high-capacity expansion enclosures and low-
capacity expansion enclosures. A high-capacity expansion enclosure has drawers that hold the
physical disks. The drawers slide out of the expansion enclosure to provide access to the physical
disks. A low-capacity expansion enclosure does not have drawers. For a high-capacity expansion
enclosure, you must specify the identifier (ID) of the expansion enclosure, the ID of the drawer, and
the ID of the slot in which a physical disk resides. For a low-capacity expansion enclosure, you need
only specify the ID of the expansion enclosure and the ID of the slot in which a physical disk resides.
For a low-capacity expansion enclosure, an alternative method for identifying a location for a
physical disk is to specify the ID of the expansion enclosure, set the ID of the drawer to 0, and
specify the ID of the slot in which a physical disk resides.
After power cycling the physical disk, the controller must verify the physical disk to be functional
before it can be placed back into use. If the physical disk cannot be verified it is marked as a failed
physical disk. Power cycling a failed physical disk requires global hot spare physical disks and full
copy back to a replacement physical disk after it is brought into service.
Failed physical disks cannot be reset by a power cycle more than once in a 24 hour period, and in
some cases cannot be reset more than once. Thresholds and counters for physical disk power
cycles are kept in persistent storage, and are included in state capture data. Informational events are
logged when a physical disk is power cycled.
Reset RAID Controller Module
This command resets a RAID controller module.
NOTE: When you reset a RAID controller module, the RAID controller module is not available for I/O
operations until the reset is complete. If a host is using virtual disks owned by the RAID controller
module being reset, the I/O directed to the RAID controller module is rejected. Before resetting the
RAID controller module, either verify that the virtual disks owned by the RAID controller module are
not in use or ensure a multipath driver is installed on all hosts using these virtual disks.
reset controller [(0 | 1)]
Parameter Description
RAID controller module to reset. Valid RAID
controller module identifier values are 0 and 1. The
identifier value is 0 for the RAID controller module
on the top and
1 for the RAID controller module
on the bottom when viewed from the rear of the
enclosure. You must put brackets ([ ]) around the
RAID controller module identifier. If you do not
specify an owner, the RAID controller module
firmware returns a syntax error.