Job Code P-73, P-74, P-205
Journal control P-51
Ketten Bon P-131
Key allocation P-24
Key location change P-26
Keyboard layout P-27
Limit of number Plus, Minus, Premium, Discount key P-42
List P-71, P-79, P-131, P-132, P-133
Loan P-122
Machine control 1 P-41
Machine control 3 P-44
Machine control 4 P-45
Machine features P-34
Machine number P-41
Maximum Table Amount P-62
Memory allocation P-16, P-17, P-18
Menu shift 1 P-56
Menu shift 2 P-57
Menu shift after Sign On P-83
Menu shift status/stay down P-83
Menu shift/2nd@ P-83
Menu shift/2nd@ by range P-95
Merchandise subtotal P-130
Message control P-52
Mode control P-84
Mode control by range P-96
Money declaration compulsory P-43
Multiplication P-131
Net total includes commission P-42
Net total includes tax P-42
New balance P-119
Old check P-134
Open 2 P-129
Open check P-131
Operator X/Z P-130
Order character link P-150
Order color P-109
Order control P-52
Order Print #1 ~ #7 P-109
Origin of reset data to be sent to the master P-49
Overwrite the J-Memo ring buffer P-51
Paid out P-122
Perform stock QTY calculation P-43
Pick up P-122
PLU 2nd unit price P-160
PLU 2nd unit price descriptors P-144
PLU 2nd@ features P-110
PLU features P-108, P-136
PLU item descriptors P-143
PLU random code order P-48
PLU unit price P-159
PLU unit price and PLU 2nd unit price P-161
PLU/PLU 2nd@/subdepartment/department unit price P-
PLU/subdepartment/department descriptors P-146
Post Entry P-53
Presetting date and time P-158
Print additional items only P-51
Print control P-46
Print Monthly Sales Average P-48
Printer connection P-70
Printer definition P-203
Program read general procedure P-170
Program read report sample P-171
Programming hierchy of programming title P-115
Pulldown group P-34
Quantity/for P-131
Random PLU P-42
Recall P-134
Receipt P-126
Receipt Logo either graphic or text P-52
Receipt message P-149
Receipt on/off P-134
Receipt type P-109
Received on account P-122
Remaining memory P-16
Report control 2 P-48
Report headers P-154
Restrict (0 or 5) on the last digit P-43
Rounding P-62
Rounds %+ or %– operation P-43