
PQ-8P, PQ-8S
Table 7-1 (continued). Error Messages.
Error Message Description Probable Cause
Input Not Indicating This is an ASIC This indicates an ASIC failure.
Busy internal test during a
Two Byte Data This test verifies A failure could be caused by
Checks Bad multi-byte data a -5 volt supply problem, a
transmissions for transmitter circuit failure,
proper data. a receiver circuit failure, or an
ASIC failure.
Overflow Counter This tests the This indicates an ASIC
Bad protection circuit in failure.
the ASIC designed to
prevent a host failure
from over-filling the
PQ-8 buffer and
causing an error
in operation.
Bad Data A byte of data was This indicates a problem with
Expecting XX sent and the receiver the twinaxial-circuitry data
Received YY circuity interrupted paths.
the microprocessor.
However, when the
data was checked, it
was not the same as
when it was sent.