6. GUI orientation
• SD I Input type
The SDI input configuration menu is similar to the DVI/HMDI/DP menu but without the EDID and HDCP sections. In addition
the SDI me nu includes an addition selection regarding the SDI type. T he choices are : HD, Level A or Level B
Image 6-19
Auto Acquire Feature discussion:
When the Auto Acquire is On, the system performs a full sync acquisition on the input signal whenever:
• You select an input
• The input type changes
• The sync rate of the input s ignal changes
During acquisition, the system detects and acquires the input type and resolution When In Auto Acquire is off, the system uses the
last known configuration, when possible. If the input signal is incompatible with the saved configuration, a good input lock may not
be possible. In this case, the form at name field in the S tatus Menu displays the Invalid Signal message.
Please note the following important points regarding In Auto
• It is recom m ended that you turn Off Auto Acquire in applications where y ou have already configured and s aved the system’s
input setup.
• If Auto Acquire is On and a valid input is selected that does not have a saved input associated with it, the system attempts to
detect and acquire th e source. This process may take a few moments.
• If Auto Acquire is Off, the system uses the last-k
nown configuration for each input, to the extent possible, comparing the input’s
timing to the configurations in the system’s library. These configurations can be custom files or system default configurations.
• Most users can leave In Auto Acquire on. Advanced use rs who know the input video timing parameters may choose to turn In
Auto Acquire off and select the parameters manually.
Input adjustment panel > Format & Timing
This is a status and informational menus. No adjustments can be done here.
R5905948 E2 12/12/2014