5. Front Panel Menu orientation
5.8 System menu > USB device (Backup/Restore)
The front panel of the E2 contains a USB po rt that you can use to connect a flash drive to the E2.
The flash drive must be formatted to use the FAT32 file system. For formatting instructions, refer to section
Form a tting the flash drive in the chapter "Upgrading firmware using the USB port", page 184.
The following illustration shows the USB Backup/Restore submenu, whic h you access from the System menu.
Image 5-9
USB submenu
Using this menu, you can:
• Detect the presence of a USB device.
• Backup and restore E2 configuration files. Whe n you connect a flash drive to the E2, the E2 creates a directory titled E2Backup
on the drive. All c onfiguration filesaresavedtothisdirectory.
Howtobackupaconfiguration file to a flash drive?
1. Insert a formatted flash drive in the E2’s front-panel USB port.
2. From the System menu, scroll to the USB Backup/Restore subm enu. Select Backup Confi g.
The USB Backup Config submenu appears, as shown in the following illustration. The navigation cursor appears at the default
name for the first backup file.
Image 5-10
USB Backup Config submenu
3. If you wish to change the d efault name of the backup con
figuration, press SE L.UsetheADJUS T k nob to change the nam e, as
described in section "Using m enu system", page 48 . Press SEL again w hen you com plete the name change.
4. Scroll to Backup Config and press SEL.
Aconfirmation message appears when the bac kup is com plete.
If the backu p operation fails, the message shown in the following illustration appears. Check that the flash drive is properly
formatted and installed, and try again.
Image 5-11
How to restore a system configuration fil
ethatisstoredonaflash drive?
1. Insert a formatted flash drive in the E2’s front-panel USB port.
2. From the System menu, scroll to the USB Backup/Restore subm enu. Select Restore Config.
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