4. Hardware orientation
The Ethernet connector is compatible with:
• Standard RJ-45 Ethernet cables
• Neutrik EtherCon® series c ables
For pinout details, refer to the section dedicated to the pinout in Appendix A, "Standard connector pinouts", page 288.
Genlock Input BN C (with passive Loop-through)
The G enlock input supports NT SC and PAL Blackburst, as w ell a s HD tri-level sync signals, per S MP TE 274M and S MP T E 296M.
The passive loop-through connector passes the G enlock s ignal to another device downstream of the E2. The Loop- through output
will continue to function even when the E2 is turned off. When the E2 is genlocked and the lock source is lost, the output of the unit
will automatically switch to “free-run” state without any discernible “glitching” on the output display device.
For G enloc k connections details, refer to the Specifications Appendix.
Expansion link ca rds
A single E2 unit supports 28 inputs, 8 outputs, an integrated M ultiviewer and a 16 2K layers. This feature list is generous en ough
to satisfy most events. W hen, however, the event requirements exceed the specifications o f single unit, m ultiple E2s can be linked
together through the Expansion cards. The cards are connec ted with four Barco-supplied high bandwidth bi-directional expansion
link cables. These cables are also commercially available.
The two leftmost slots are reserved for expansion cards:
Slot Card type Connectors
1 Expansion Link C ard 2x High- Speed bi-directional connectors
2 Expansion Link C ard 2x High- Speed bi-directional connectors
For more details on capabilities of expansion, refer t o the section "Expansion link card", page 44.
Input cards
Slots 3 through 10 are reserved for Inputs Cards. Each card supports resolu
tions up-to 4K resolutions. E 2s’ ability to support up-to
28 inputs, eliminates, in most cases, the need to ha ve upstream routers or scalers.
Each card slot could accommodate either:
• 4x up-to HD/2K inputs
• 2x 2560x1600 inputs
• 1x 4K input
From left to right, the distribution of cards is as follows in the 8 slots dedicated to input cards:
Slot Card type Connectors
6G SDI Input Car d 4x B NC connectors supporting up-to 6G S DI
6G SDI Input Car d 4x B NC connectors supporting up-to 6G S DI
Dual Link DVI Input Card
2x Dual Link DV I-D connectors
Dual Link DVI Input Card
2x Dual Link DV I-D connectors
HDMI/DisplayPort Input Card 2x HDM I connectors per 1 .4a specifications
2x DisplayPort connectors per 1.1a sp ecifications
8 HDMI/DisplayPort Input Card 2x HDM I connectors per 1 .4a specifications
2x DisplayPort connectors per 1.1a sp ecifications
HDMI/DisplayPort Input Card 2x HDM I connectors per 1 .4a specifications
2x DisplayPort connectors per 1.1a sp ecifications
10 HDMI/DisplayPort Input Card 2x HDM I connectors per 1 .4a specifications
2x DisplayPort connectors per 1.1a sp ecifications
The following sections describe each type of card in detail:
• "6G SDI Input Card", page 35
• "Dual Link DVI Input Card", page 37
• "HDMI/DisplayPort Input Card", page 39
Outputs cards
The n ext three slots are dedicated for output cards supporting up to 4K resolution per slot.
R5905948 E2 12/12/2014