General: Device Commands
Avaya X330W-2DS1 User’s Guide 59
The syntax for this command is:
show erase status
show image version
Use the show image version command to display the software version of the
image on both memory banks of the device.
The syntax for this command is:
show image version
Output Example:
X330WAN-2DS1-1(super)# show image version
Mod Module-Type Bank Version
------ ----------- ---- -------
1 Avaya X330W-2DS1 WAN Router A N/A
1 Avaya X330W-2DS1 WAN Router B 3.9.5
show module-identity
Use the show module identity command to display the device identity
required for acquiring a license.
The syntax for this command is:
show module-identity
Output Example:
show module-identity
X330WAN-2DS1-1(super)# show module-identity
Mod Module Identity
--- ---------------
1 1234567
show running-config
Use the show running-config command to show the RAM based
configuration currently running on the device.
The syntax for this command is:
show running-config