Chapter 1 Overview
10 Avaya X330W-2DS1 User’s Guide
Figure 1.3 provides a graphic representation of the Fast Ethernet interfaces.
Figure 1.3 Fast Ethernet Interfaces
Note: One or more IP interfaces can be defined over each virtual, Fast Ethernet, or
Fabric Fast Ethernet interfaces.
Data Flow
The X330WAN has the following major traffic paths:
• WAN to LAN (external) – The X330WAN can route WAN traffic through a
firewall and/or a Virtual Private Network.
• WAN to LAN (internal) – The X330WAN can route WAN traffic directly
to/from the LAN.
Front Panels and LEDs
This section illustrates the front panels of the various available X330WAN access
router modules and describes their LED functions.
An X330WAN front panel contains LEDs, WAN and Ethernet connectors, and a
console connector. The status LEDs provide at-a-glance information.
The front panel LEDs consist of Port LEDs which display information for each port.
Fast Ethernet
IP Interface1
IP Interface2
IP Interface3
IP Interface4
IP Interface5
IP Interface6
Channel Group 1
Virtual Layer 2