Chapter 7 X330WAN CLI Commands
54 Avaya X330W-2DS1 User’s Guide
Output Example:
To disable the automatic disconnection of idle sessions:
X330WAN-2DS1-1(super)# set logout 0
Sessions will not be automatically logged out.
set snmp trap
Use the set snmp trap commands to add an entry into the SNMP trap receiver
table and to enable or disable the different SNMP traps for a specific receiver. First
add the rcvr_addr and then enable/disable the different traps for it.
The syntax for this command is:
set snmp trap <rcvr_addr>
set snmp trap <rcvr_addr> {enable|disable}
Output Example:
To enable SNMP vlan_violation traps to a specific manager:
X330WAN-2DS1-1(super)# set snmp trap enable
SNMP vlan_violation change traps enabled.
Output Example:
To enable all traps to a specific manager:
X330WAN-2DS1-1(super)# set snmp trap enable all
All SNMP traps enabled.
Output Example:
To disable SNMP vlan_violation traps to a specific manager:
X330WAN-2DS1-1(super)# set snmp trap disable
SNMP vlan_violation traps disabled.
enable Activate SNMP traps
disable Deactivate SNMP traps
all (Optional) Specify all trap types
vlan_violation (Optional) Specify the vlan violation trap from the TRAP-MIB.
rcvr_addr IP address or IP alias of the system to receive SNMP traps