WAN CLI Commands
Avaya X330W-2DS1 User’s Guide 149
The syntax for this command is:
speed {9600|19200|38400}
X330WAN-2DS1-1(config-if:CON)# speed 9600
speed (FastEthernet interface context)
Use the speed command to control the speed setting for the interface.
Note: This command is executed from the Fast Ethernet interface.
The syntax for this command is:
speed {10MB|100MB}
X330WAN-2DS1-1(config-if:FastEthernet1)# speed 100MB
timeout absolute (Console interface context)
Use the timeout absolute command to set the number of minutes until the
system automatically disconnects an idle PPP incoming session.
The syntax for this command is:
timeout absolute <time>
9600 Sets a speed of 9600 bits per second.
19200 Sets a speed of 19200 bits per second.
38400 Sets a speed of 38400 bits per second.
10MB Sets a speed of 10 Mbps.
100MB Sets a speed of 100 Mbps.
time Number of minutes (0-999) where 0 means no timeout should
occur at all.