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WWN World Wide Name.
HBA Host Bus Adapter.
MPIO Multi-Path Input/Output.
MC/S Multiple Connections per Session
S.E.S SCSI Enclosure Services.
NIC Network Interface Card.
iSCSI Internet Small Computer Systems Interface.
LACP Link Aggregation Control Protocol.
MTU Maximum Transmission Unit.
CHAP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol. An optional
security mechanism to control access to an iSCSI storage
system over the iSCSI data ports.
iSNS Internet Storage Name Service.
1.3 RAID levels
RAID 0 Disk striping. RAID 0 needs at least one hard drive.
RAID 1 Disk mirroring over two disks. RAID 1 needs at least two hard
Extension to RAID 1 level. It has N copies of the disk.
RAID 3 Striping with parity on the dedicated disk. RAID 3 needs at
least three hard drives.
RAID 5 Striping with interspersed parity over the member disks. RAID
3 needs at least three hard drives.
RAID 6 2-dimensional parity protection over the member disks. RAID