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2. Select the dedicated spare disk by clicking the checkbox of the row,
then click to free disk.
Step 11: Delete dedicated cache volume.
To delete the cache volume, please follow the procedures:
1. Select “/ Volume config / Cache volume”.
2. Select a CV by clicking the checkbox of the row.
3. Click . There will pop up a confirmation page.
4. Choose “OK.
5. Done. The CV has been deleted.
Step 12: Done, all volumes have been deleted.
3.7 Enclosure management
“Enclosure management” function allows managing enclosure information
including SES config”, Hardware monitor”, S.M.A.R.T.” and UPS”
functions. For the enclosure management, there are many sensors for different
purposes, such as temperature sensors, voltage sensors, hard disks, fan sensors,
power sensors, and LED status. And due to the hardware characteristics are
different among these sensors, for different sensors, they have different polling
intervals. Below is the detail polling time intervals:
1. Temperature sensors: 1 minute.
2. Voltage sensors: 1 minute.
3. Hard disk sensors: 10 minutes.
4. Fan sensors: 10 seconds, when there are continuous 3 times of error,
controller sends ERROR event log.
5. Power sensors: 10 seconds, when there are continuous 3 times of error,
controller sends ERROR event log.
6. LED status: 10 seconds.
Global cache volume cannot be deleted.