- 19 -
browser and type the DHCP address: (The DHCP address is dynamic and user
may need to check every time after reboot again.) When DHCP service is not
available, IS16GL use zero config (Zeroconf) to get an IP address.
E.g., on LCM. IS16GL gets a DHCP address from DHCP server.
IS16GL ←
or (https: connection with encrypted Secure Sockets
Layer (SSL). Please be aware of the https function is slower than http.)
Click any function at the first time; it will pop up a dialog to authenticate current
Login name: admin
Default password: 00000000
Or login with the read-only account which only allows seeing the configuration
and cannot change setting.
Login name: user
Default password: 1234
2.8.2 Console serial port
Use NULL modem cable to connect console port.
The console setting is baud rate: 115200, 8 bits, 1 stop bit, and no parity.
Terminal type: vt100
Login name: admin
Default password: 00000000
2.8.3 Remote control – secure shell
SSH (secure shell) is required for IS16GL to remote login. The SSH client
software is available at the following web site:
SSHWinClient WWW: http://www.ssh.com/
Putty WWW: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/
Host name: (Please check your DHCP address for this field.)
Login name: admin