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Chapter 1 RAID introduction
1.1 Features
n Front-end 2* 1Gb full iSCSI offload (complete ULP, TCP offload)
n Supports load-balancing & fail-over (802.3ad port trunking, LACP)
n Supports iSCSI jumbo frame
n Supports Microsoft Multipath I/O (MPIO)
n Supports RAID levels 0,1,0+1,3,5,6,10,30,50, 60 and JBOD
n Local N-way mirror: Extension to RAID 1 level, N copies of the disk.
n Global and dedicated hot spare disks
n Write-through or write-back cache policy for different application usage
n Dedicated or shared cache allocation for volume usage
n Supports greater than 2TB per volume set (64-bit LBA support)
n Supports manual or scheduling volume snapshot (up to 32 snapshot)
n Snapshot rollback mechanism
n Online volume migration with no system down-time
n Online volume expansion
n Instant RAID volume availability and background initialization
n Supports S.M.A.R.T, NCQ and OOB Staggered Spin-up capable drives
IS16GL connects to the host system in iSCSI interface. It can be configured to
any RAID level. IS16GL provides reliable data protection for servers and the
RAID 6 function ready. The RAID 6 function allows two HDD failures without any
impact on the existing data. Data can be recovered from the remaining data and
parity drives. (Data can be recovered from the rest disks/drives.)
Snapshot-on-the-box is a fully usable copy of a defined collection of data that
contains an image of the data as it appeared at the point in time, which means a
point-in-time data replication. It provides consistent and instant copies of data
volumes without any system downtime. IS16GL Snapshot-on-the-box can keep
up to 32 snapshots for all data volumes. Rollback feature is provided for
restoring the previously-snapshot data easily while continuously using the
volume for further data access. The data access is regular as usual including
read/write without any impact to end users. The "on-the-box" terminology implies
that it does not require any proprietary agents installed at host side. The
snapshot is taken at target side and done by IS16GL. It will not consume any
host CPU time thus the server is dedicated to the specific or other application.
The snapshot copies can be taken manually or by schedule every hour or every
day, depends on the modification.
IS16GL is the most cost-effective disk array subsystem with completely
integrated high-performance and data-protection capabilities which meet or