network management card
Control console. The Email option in the Network Menu, accesses the e-
mail recipient settings.
Setting Description
Defines the user and domain names of the recipient. To use e-mail for
paging, use the e-mail address for that recipient’s pager gateway account
(for example,
myacct100@skytel.com). The pager gateway pages
the recipient.
OTE:The recipient’s pager must be able to use text-based messaging.
Selects one of the following methods for routing e-mail:
• Through the Management Card’s SMTP server (the recommended
option, Local). This option ensures that the e-mail is sent before the
Management Card’s 20-second time-out, and, if necessary, is retried
several times. Also do one of the following:
• Enable forwarding at the Management Card’s SMTP server so that it
can route e-mail to external SMTP servers. Typically, SMTP servers
are not configured to forward e-mail. Always check with the
administrator of your SMTP server before changing its configuration
to allow forwarding.
• Set up a special e-mail account for the Management Card to forward
e-mail to an external mail account.
• Directly to the recipient’s SMTP server (the Recipient’s option). On a
busy remote SMTP server, the time-out may prevent some e-mail from
being sent, and with this option the Management Card tries to send the
e-mail only once.
When the recipient uses the Management Card’s SMTP server, this
setting has no affect.
Generation Enables (by default) or disables sending e-mail to the recipient.
1.You can bypass the DNS lookup of the mail server’s IP address by using the IP address in
brackets instead of the e-mail domain name. For example, use jsmith@[xxx,xxx.x.xxx] instead
of jsmith@company.com. This is useful when DNS lookups are not working correctly.