network management card
LVD (Low Voltage Disconnect)
From Device Manager, type 1 to select DC Power Plant. Then type 6 to
select LVD.
At the prompt, enter the number of a Low Voltage Disconnect (LVD) on your
system to view the status (Opened or Closed) and to configure options for
that LVD. The following table uses LVD 1 as an example.
Menu Item (for LVD 1) Description
1- LVD 1 Name The name of the low voltage disconnect (LVD).
Maximum: 16 characters
2- LVD 1 Enable Enabled (the default) turns on the LVD. Use Disabled if no
LVD is installed.
3- LVD 1 Trip (V) Voltage above this threshold trips (opens) the LVD.
Minimum: – 58.00 Volts
30.00 Volts
4- LVD 1 Reset (V) Voltage above this threshold resets (closes) the LVD.
Minimum: – 58.00 Volts
Maximum: – 30.00 Volts
5- LVD 1 Open Alarm Alarm condition indicating that the LVD is tripped (Opened).
Allowed values: any standard alarm selection
6- LVD 1 Hardware
Alarm condition indicating that a conflict exists between the
commanded position and sensed position of the LVD.
Allowed values: any standard alarm selection
7- Accept Changes Use this option to save your changes.
Standard alarm selections:
Major activates the major relay.
Minor activates the minor relay.
Relay 1 through Relay 6 activates the relay specified.
Ignore ignores the alarm.