network management card
Batteries: Status, Thresholds and Alarms
From Device Manager, type 1 to select DC Power Plant. Then type 4 to
select Batteries. The following options are displayed.
1- Battery Status
2- Battery Thresholds
3- Battery Alarms
Battery Status. From the Batteries sub-menu, type 1 for Battery Status:
Menu Item Description
Float Voltage (V) The DC Power Plant voltage, in volts. To set this value, see
Battery Thresholds.
Maximum Recharge (A) The battery maximum recharge rate, in amps. To set this
value, see Battery Thresholds.
Amp/Hour Capacity (AHr) Battery amp-hour size. To set this value, see Battery
Compensation Temp
Coefficient (mV/degC/cell)
Compensation temperature coefficient, in millivolts. To set this
value, see Battery Thresholds.
High Knee Temperature
The temperature (in Celsius) above which Float Voltage no
longer changes to compensate for increase in temperature. To
set this value, see Battery Thresholds.
Low Knee Temperature
The temperature (in Celsius) below which Float Voltage no
longer changes to compensate for decrease in temperature. To
set this value, see Battery Thresholds.
Current (A) The battery current, in amps.
Temperature The battery temperature, in degrees Celsius.
Current Sane Indicates, by yes or no, whether battery current is within an
acceptable range.
Temperature Sane Indicates, by yes or no, whether battery temperature is within
an acceptable range.