network management card
Severity levels
With the exception of some System (Management Card) events that do not
have a severity level assigned, events are assigned a default severity level
based on the seriousness of the event.
• Informational: Indicates an event that requires no action, such as a
notification of a return from an abnormal condition.
• Warning: Indicates an event that may need to be addressed should
the condition continue, but which does not require immediate attention.
• Severe: Indicates an event that requires immediate attention. Unless
resolved, severe Device and System events can cause incorrect
operation of the DC Power Plant or its Management Card.
Event log action
You can disable the recording of events in the event log. By default, all
events are recorded, even events that have no severity level assigned.
For more information about this log, see Event Log.
SNMP traps action
By default, the SNMP Traps action is enabled for all events that have a
severity level assigned. However, before you can use SNMP traps for event
notifications, you must identify the network management stations (NMSs)
that will receive the traps by their IP addresses.
To define up to four NMSs as trap receivers, see Event Recipients.
Even if you disable the event log action for all severity levels,
System (DC Power Plant) events that have no severity level
assigned will still be logged.