2 April 2006, ADIC
Purpose of this Release
StorNext FX (SNFX) 1.3 includes several new features and enhancements that extend its capabilities.
These release notes describe these new features and enhancements, as well as currently known issues
and issues that were resolved for this release. These notes also provide drive and auxiliary firmware
compatibility information.
SNFX is a client only version software that is licensed to run in Apple managed environments and used with
an Apple metadata controller. If is fully interoperable and compatible with Apple Xsan.
The first version of SNFX was released with Apple Xsan 1.0. Subsequent releases of SNFX and Apple
Xsan followed this compatibility:
• SNFX 2.5 interoperable and compatible with Xsan 1.1
• SNFX 2.6 interoperable and compatible with Xsan 1.2
• SNFX 1.3 interoperable and compatible with Xsan 1.3
With the release of SNFX 1.3, the version numbering is changed to more closely align with the Apple Xsan
release versioning. This was done to help minimize confusion of compatible SNFX releases with Apple Xsan
releases and to maintain consistency with the Apple Xsan product. The product has not changed, only the
release numbering.
Visit www.adic.com
and www.adic.com/adicSupportShell.jsp?Page=supportBulletins for additional
information and updates about SNFX.
New Features
New features and functionality for SNFX 1.3 include:
• 2TB LUN: 2TB LUN support enables customers to configure LUNS up to and greater than 2TB. This
allows for fewer volumes to store large amounts of data.
• Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): Simplifies configuration and administration of
mixed environments. LDAP (Active Directory) centralizes the ACL translation necessary for
Windows and UNIX systems to access a shared data set. All Windows servers are pointed to a
single LDAP system for centralized and simplified management of file permissions.
Special Configuration Requirements
For SNFX 1.3, the File System client RAM requirement has changed to a minimum of 512 MB.