14 April 2006, ADIC
Solaris 51308 n/a Solaris NFS clients get I/O errors
when using the cp -p command.
Do not use the cp -p
command which attempts
to copy ACLS not
supported by StorNext.
52120 n/a Newly labeled disks are not usable
in SNFS on Solaris 9 or 10 until
system reboot.
Reboot the system.
Windows 14254 n/a In a Windows/UNIX environment,
using path names longer than 220
characters may cause procedures
to fail under all versions of
Microsoft Windows.
Verify that path names are
not longer than 220
33837 n/a Readonly Directories GUI
function to be eliminated in a future
StorNext release.
34699 n/a File system does not automatically
mount after a reboot due to
GetHostByName failure.
Do one of the following:
• Add the server name to
the etc\hosts file on
the Windows client.
- or -
• Type the IP address of
the machine in the
fsnameservers tab
instead of the machine
37431 n/a Need to document usage of
Windows 2000 client kit for
Windows 2003.
On Windows 2000, 2003,
or XP, use the Windows
2000 client kit.
n/a On a Windows client, unpack fails
with convert to lower-case enabled.
Select the following settings
in the Mount Options
control panel:
• File Name Case
• Preserve Case
In a future StorNext
release, the following
options may be obsoleted:
• Case Sensitive
• Convert to Lower Case
• Convert to Upper Case
40054 n/a Group Quotas usage is not being
reflected on Windows systems.
The StorNext Quotas
feature only supports User
quotas on Windows
systems. Group quotas are
not supported. Both user
and group quotas are
supported on StorNext
UNIX/Linux clients.