10 April 2006, ADIC
All 18144 179324 Pathing method definition not included in
c:\cvfs\help\cvfs_config.htm file.
33490 296206 Client panicked after running cvfs stop.
33544 n/a Installation procedures needs a 64-bit operating system check.
33601 n/a Windows rename failed with full pathname greater than 128
33726 n/a Bad value passed to "cvdb -R" causes panic.
33747 288626 SNFS - failure to start fsmpm hangs.
33834 n/a cvntclnt fails to map drives.
34163 n/a Man page missing MaxMBPerClientReserve.
34264 311750 Windows files erroneously created with UNIX execute bits.
34666 n/a UNIX access denied for all files created by unmapped Windows
34835 n/a Pinnacle Liquid Blue applications fails on SNFS.
35022 n/a Asynchronous I/O fails EOF test.
35159 n/a Support asynchronous NFS exports in SNFS 2.5.
35345 n/a 2.5 trickle writes cause severe fsm cpu spike - order N squared
35350 n/a dm_get_fileattr returns errno 28 when move issued on remote
client, 2 if local.
35395 n/a MPI benchmark failure.
35682 n/a rcp cannot truncate a file with 444 permissions.
35961 n/a Pinnacle Liquid Blue fails certain operations.
36413 n/a Permissions on cifs share reset after boot.
36572 n/a Move fails when a symbolic link is the target file.
36762 n/a Cannot send flush intent message still exists on fast machines.
36854 340454 NFS hang due to deadlock.
36884 n/a dircache not configurable on NT and needs to use paged pool.
37049 341648 Concurrent C++ programs client opening same file on same SNFS
37178 n/a DMA versus buffered I/O imbalance.
37291 n/a Unexpected data read from sparse file holes.
37465 n/a StorageTek BladeStor is just another LSI-RAID disguise.
37574 n/a perfmon fsd read counters never active.