April 2006, ADIC 11
All 50103 n/a In previous versions of StorNext, the modification time of a file
was not updated when a file size was explicitly changed using the
truncate(2) system call on UNIX or the _chsize() function on
Windows. With StorNext 2.7, this has been corrected and setting
the size of a file will cause the modification time of the file to be set
to the current time.
51688 n/a With StorNext 2.7, the output of the cvlabel -l command has
changed. LUNs with valid StorNext labels are now displayed as
type SNFS, rather than CVFS (as reported by previous releases).
53713 n/a • Space consumed by open unlinked files on UNIX clients is now
counted against quotas.
• Quota update after file removal is now delayed until the space
deallocation is fully completed.
51687 n/a With StorNext 2.7, the output of the cvlabel -ls command has
changed. Previous releases of StorNext may not have found the
longest serial number available for a given LUN, leading to serial
numbers appearing not to be unique among multiple LUNs on the
same RAID controller. This problem has been corrected, which
may lead to the reported serial number for a given LUN being
different between StorNext 2.6 and StorNext 2.7.